Més de 40 anys publicant llibres d’art, cultura i natura per llegir en família.

Modern Art Journal

El preu original era: 16.00€.El preu actual és: 9.95€.-38% OFF

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Pàgines: 112

Format: 19,5 x 24 cm

Enquadernació: rústica amb cantos roms i goma de tancament

Any: 2017


The Modern Art Journal is no ordinary art book, so grab your pens and pencils and unleash your creativity in the company of some of the world’s great modern artists. Doodle, sketch and draw your way through this special journal and make it your very own! Featured artists include Louise Bourgeois, Marcel Duchamp, René Magritte, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Damien Hirst.

Mary Richards is a writer, illustrator and art publisher. She is the author of Splat! The Most Exciting Artists of All Time and has co-written ArtSongs, a collection of songs about artists. She lives in London with her family and a large collection of Lego.

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Modern Art Journal

El preu original era: 16.00€.El preu actual és: 9.95€.

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