More than 40 years publishing art, culture and nature books for family reading.


Jordi Fernández López

Jordi Fernández López es licenciado en Educación Física y Deportes por el INEFC de Barcelona, instructor de buceo de diferentes agencias certificadoras internacionales, instructor de Soporte Vital Básico y Primeros Auxilios para personal civil, monitores de fitness, estudiantes de Grado Medio en Conducción de Actividades Físico-Deportivas en el Medio Natural y en el Grado Superior […]

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Anna Manso

Anna Manso Munné (Barcelona, 1969). Es escritora y guionista. Estudió cine y se especializó en la escritura de guiones de cine y televisión. Desde el año 1996 ha escrito guiones para programas infantiles (Barri Sèsam, Super3, Mic, Una mà de contes) , programas de entretenimiento y series (El joc de viure, El cor de la […]

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Ángeles García

(Colmenarejo, Madrid, 1953) She is a journalist in El País newspaper from 1976. She worked in sections of Madrid, Cultura and El País Semanal. She was editor-in-chief of culture for 12 years. Nowadays, she is specialised in art and she often writes for Culture in El País newspaper and about cinema in La Crítica NYC.

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Jordi Nopca

Jordi Nopca va néixer a Barcelona, l’any 1983. Va estudiar Periodisme i Teoria de la Literatura i Literatura Comparada. És col·laborador habitual de Mondosonoro, Benzina, Sortim, Què fem?, Go Mag i Time Out Barcelona. Ha publicat la novel·la El talent (2012) i els relats Puja a casa (Premi Documenta 2014). Com a traductor, és darrere les versions catalanes de […]

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Pep Martorell

(Roda de Berà, 1965) Llicenciat en filologia catalana i curiós de mena. Viu a Tarragona i treballa a l’INS Sant Pere i Sant Pau, on fa classes de català, dinamitza la biblioteca i treballa l’hort amb l’alumnat. Va ser crític de teatre del diari El Punt durant més de vuit anys, fou jurat del Premi Born de Teatre […]

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José Miguel Puerta Vílchez

José Miguel Porta Vílchez, és arabista, professor del Departament d’Història de l’Art de la Universidad de Granada i autor de Los códigos de utopía de la Alhambra de Granada (1990), Historia del pensamiento estético árabe (1997), La aventura del cálamo. Historia, formas y artistas de la caligrafía árabe (2007), Leer la Alhambra (2011), La poética del agua […]

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Núria Piqué

Archaeologist, has been working in consortium Turó of La Seu Vella since 1992. He is responsible for the technical content and publications of the Consortium. She has done an important work popularizing the cultural heritage of Lleida in recent years. She is the author of the collection “The Secrets of the Seu Vella”.

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Lourdes Campuzano

Degree in Information Science, specializing in journalism, by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has worked as editor in the newspapers El Observador and El Punt. Campuzano is the author of the blog, and actually collaborates with the digital entertainment web portal for families PetitBCN, she has also written short stories for the platform […]

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Mireia Augé

 She was born in Barcelona in 1975 and now lives in Girona since 2000. Teacher education and child psychologist. He has completed Masters and PhD course Interuniversity Educational Psychology. Augé works and teaches in a primary school and as a storyteller for children; also gives training seminars for parents and education professionals.  

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Gabriel Janer Manila

Gabriel Janer Manila (Algaida , Mallorca, 1940) is a graduate in Arts, Doctor of Education from the University of Barcelona Professor of Anthropology of Education at the University of the Balearic Islands and writer. In 1967 he became known to L’abisme, novel prize Ciutat de Palma. Since then, he continues writting novels and has received […]

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Tina Vallès

Tina Vallès (Barcelona, 1976). Philologist, writer, translator and editor. She loves reading. Vallès is the author of the compilation of short stories L’aeroplà del Raval (2006), Un altre got d’absenta (2012) i El parèntesi més llarg (2013) – Rodoreda Prize, in 2012, and Maic (2011), which currently is his only novel. She also writes children’s stories (“Short history of the […]

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Antoni Vila Delclòs

Degree in Arts and Crafts, visual artist and historian windows. Currently, he is the treasurer and vice-president of Corpus Vitrearum Catalunya. In 1982 he specializes in the history of Catalan glass, working for the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC ). He has been director general of the Foundation Institute for windows. As a result of […]

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Joan Vila-Grau

(Barcelona, ​​1932). Son and disciple of the painter Antoni Vila Arrufat and grandson of painter Joan Vila Cinca. He studied architecture (1950-1955) that he left to devote himself to painting professionally since 1955. Since that year, he began to make stained glass and ceramic murals, ceramic latter with Jordi Aguadé. He specializes in the history […]

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Jordi Faulí

Faulí and Jordi Oller (Barcelona, ​​1959). Architect (1992), Dr. Architect (2009) for the School of Barcelona, ​​working at the Technical Office of the Sagrada Família since 1990 where he has been chief architect and deputy chief architect since 2012 and coordinator.


Lolita Bosch

Lolita Bosch was born in Barcelona in 1970, but she has lived in Albons (Baix Empordà ), United States, India and Mexico, her home for twenty years. He is a novelist and writes children’s books, juvenile, anthology and essay books. His work has been translated into various languages, they have been made ​​into a film and […]

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Miquel Àngel Maria

  Miquel Àngel Maria i Ballester was born in Mahon in 1965. He has a degree in ecclesiastical studies. He is an international expert in social analysis and intervention. He has developed his professional activity in social services and teaching. He is currently a teacher of Catholic religion at a secondary school. He has had […]

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Judit Subirachs-Burgaya

Judit Subirachs – Burgaya (Barcelona, ​​1959). Art historian specializing in Catalan sculpture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Curator and curator of the work of Josep M. Subirachs. Author, among other titles, The sculpture of the nineteenth century in Catalonia (1995), modern and contemporary sculpture (1998) Subirachs in Catalonia. Work in public places (2006) and […]

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Andoni Canela

Photographer, creator of nature and environmental documentaries, he publishes in nature magazines such as National Geographic and the magazine in La Vanguardia newspaper. He has published various journeys to different countries and exotic regions around the world. His work can be seen at