More than 40 years publishing art, culture and nature books for family reading.

Lola Casas Peña

Lola Casas
  • – For more than 40 years I’ve been a teacher of Primary Education and a teacher trainer.
  • – Lecturer on children’s and youth literature topics for parents, teachers and children.
  • – More than 50 works published including essays on literature, short stories and poetry for children and young people.

I am retired so it is easy to deduce that I am already “a certain age”. I worked as a teacher in a public school and, despite the many problems surrounding the school world, I never felt burned out. For four years, and with the students of the Camí del Mig school in Mataró, we corresponded with the British author Roald Dahl.

They claim that I am a poet. The truth is, I can’t believe it. I would say that, rather, I am a teacher who writes poems. My job is to play with words and deliver the results to children and young people. It seems that they like it because, in the twenty years I have been a writer, I have published a significant number of books and a few in my portfolio. At the moment, I have a lot of fun writing. The day I get bored, I will leave this job and move on to other tasks that please me more.


* Fotografia de May Zircus